BD25 藍光電影

[英] 人造意識 (Ex Machina) (2015)[台版]
[英] 終極土匪(Bandits)(2001)[台版字幕]
[英] 蒙面俠蘇洛 (The Mask of Zorro) (1998)[台版]
[韓] 替屍鬼 (Muoi) (2007)[台版]

[韓] 替屍鬼 (Muoi) (2007)[台版]

產品編號 B25M1..


[中] 千王之王 2000 (The Tricky Master) (1999)
[中] 女士復仇 (Husband Killers) (2017)[港版]
[中] 獨臂刀 (The One-Armed Swordsman) (1967)[台版]
[英] 變種鯊 (Great White) (2021)[台版字幕]
[英] 蕾蒙娜和姐姐 (Ramona and Beezus) (2010)[台版字幕]
[英] 惡靈古堡 (Resident Evil) (2002)[台版]
[英] 女神陷阱 3D (Immortal 3D) (2004) <2D + 快門3D>
[英] 馬達加斯加 (Madagascar) (2005)[台版]
[英] 追殺比爾 (Kill Bill Vol. 1) (2003)[台版]
[英] 72小時前哨救援 (The Outpost) (2020)[台版字幕]
[日] 海邊的生與死 (Life and Death on the Shore) (2017)
[英] 婚姻危機 (Alex of Venice) (2015)

[英] 婚姻危機 (Alex of Venice) (2015)

產品編號 B25M3..


[英] 索命麻醉 (Awake) (2006)[台版]

[英] 索命麻醉 (Awake) (2006)[台版]

產品編號 B25M2..


[英] 美國最后一個處女 (The Last American Virgin) (1982)
[英] 終極堡壘 (Fortress) (2021)[台版字幕]
[英] 尋龍傳說 (Pete's Dragon) (2016)[台版]
[日] 感受大海的時刻 (Undulant Fever) (2014)
[英] 男女生了沒 (The Ugly Truth) (2009) [台版]
[英] 手札情緣(The Notebook)(2004)[台版字幕]
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