BD25 藍光電影

[法] 山村猶有讀書聲 (To Be and to Have) (2002)
[英] 致命ID (Identity) (2003)[台版]

[英] 致命ID (Identity) (2003)[台版]

產品編號 B25M2..


[英] 俄羅斯大廈 (The Russia House) (1990)
[英]死間行動 / 絞肉行動 Operation Mincemeat (2021)
[英] 絕地奶霸 (The Big Momma's House) (2000)
[英] 型男飛行日誌 (Up in The Air) (2009)[台版]
[英] 8級警戒 (Code 8) (2019)[台版字幕]
[英] 神力女超人 (Wonder Woman) (2017)[台版字幕]
[英] 真情假愛 (Intolerable Cruelty) (2003)[台版]
[英] 微光城市 (City of Ember) (2008)[台版]
[英] 空中謎航 (Horizon Line) (2020)[台版字幕]
[德] 烈愛天堂 (In the Fade) (2017)[台版字幕]
[英] 魔獸 - 崛起 (Warcraft) (2016)[台版]
[日] 太陽坐落之處 (The Place Where the Sun Sits) (2014)
[英] 玩命代價 (At Any Price) (2012)[台版字幕]
[英] 灰影人 /  灰色人 / 灰人 The Gray Man (2022)
[英] 直播自殺事件 (Christine) (2016)[台版字幕]
[英] 賭王之王 (Rounders) (1998)[台版字幕]
[英] 魔鬼毀滅者 (Eraser) (1996)[台版]
[英] 布魯克林孤兒 (Motherless Brooklyn) (2019)[台版]
[日] 午夜的陽光 (Midnight Sun) (2006)[台版字幕]
[英] 火線大逃亡 (Seven Years In Tibet) (1997)[台版字幕]
[英] 太空布偶歷險記 (Muppets from Space) (1999)[台版]
[德] 水漾的女人 (Undine) (2020)[台版字幕]
[英] 黑蝶殺機 (Black Butterfly) (2017)[台版字幕]
[英] 黑暗來臨 (The Darkness) (2016)[台版字幕]
[中] 潮性辦公室 (Micro Sex Office) (2011)[港版]
[西] 天使的性 (The Sex of the Angels) (2012)
顯示 9377 - 9408 / 10256 (共 321 頁)