BD25 藍光電影

[法] 假掰英雄 (Return of The Hero) (2018)[台版字幕]
[英] 愛情天文學 (The Correspondence) (2016)[台版字幕]
[法] 褓姆Hold不住 (Babysitting) (2014)[台版字幕]
[英] 浪人 47 3D (47 Ronin 3D) (2012) <2D + 快門3D>[台版]
[西] 絕命警告信 (The Warning) (2018)[台版字幕]
[英] 僵局 (Gridlocked) (2015)[台版字幕]
[英] 從地心竄出 5 (Tremors 5) (2015)[台版字幕]
[英] 史瑞克 2 3D (Shrek 2 3D) (2004) <2D + 快門3D>
[英] 艾瑪. (Emma.) (2020)[台版]

[英] 艾瑪. (Emma.) (2020)[台版]

產品編號 B25M7..


[英] 雙面艾莉絲 (Complete Unknown) (2016)[台版字幕]
[中] 龍行天下 (The Master) (1989)[港版]
[印] 真愛永存 (Mohabbatein) (2000)

[印] 真愛永存 (Mohabbatein) (2000)

產品編號 B25M1..


[日] 花牌情緣 - 結 (Chihayafuru - Musubi) (2018)
[英] 魔山 (The Hills Have Eyes) (2006)[台版]
[英] 大獨裁者落難記 (The Dictator) (2012)[台版]
[中] 功夫瑜伽 (Kung Fu Yoga) (2017)[台版字幕]
[塞] 地下社會 (Underground) (1995)[台版字幕]
[英] 挪亞方舟 3D (Noah 3D) (2014) <2D + 快門3D>[台版]
[中] 現代應召女郎 (Girls Without Tomorrow) (1992)
[英] 性福拉警報 (The Kids Are All Right) (2010)[台版字幕]
[日] 青天霹靂 (A Bolt From The Blue) (2014)
[英] 暴力執法 (Force of Execution) (2013)
[英] 勇抱大地 (Land) (2021)[台版字幕]
[中] 兄弟班 (House of The Rising Sons) (2018)[港版]
[中] 沖上雲霄 (Triumph in the Skies) (2015)[台版]
[英] 衝出寧靜號 (Serenity) (2005)[台版]
[日] 早晨! 動新聞 (Good Morning Show) (2016)
顯示 10209 - 10240 / 10602 (共 332 頁)