BD25 藍光電影

[日] 狼少女與黑王子 (Wolf Girl & Black Prince) (2016)
[英] 鬥陣俱樂部 (Fight Club) (1999)[台版]
[韓] 華怡 - 吞了怪物的孩子 (Hwayi - A Monster Boy) (2013)
[英] 玩命尤步 (Stuber)(2019)[台版字幕]
[日] 廁所裡的聖殤 (Pieta in the Toilet) (2015)
[日] 蜜蜂與遠雷 (Listen to the Universe) (2019)[台版字幕]
[英] 母親! (Mother!) (2017)[台版]

[英] 母親! (Mother!) (2017)[台版]

產品編號 B25M5..


[韓] 中天 (The Restless) (2006)[台版]

[韓] 中天 (The Restless) (2006)[台版]

產品編號 B25M2..


[日] 犬神家族 (The Inugami Family) (1976)
[英] 鹿魔 (Antlers) (2020)[台版字幕]

[英] 鹿魔 (Antlers) (2020)[台版字幕]

產品編號 B25M8..


[英] 月光光新慌慌 (Halloween) (2018)[台版]
[英] 正義惡勢力 (Vigilante Diaries) (2016)
[中] 雞同鴨講 (Chicken and Duck Talk) (1991)[港版]
[中] 野獸之瞳 (Born Wild) (2001)[台版]
[英] 美國殺人魔(American Psycho)(2000)[台版字幕]
[西] 停屍姦 (The Corpse of Anna Fritz) (2015)[台版字幕]
[英] 浴火赤子情 (Backdraft) (1991)[台版]
[日] 青春,半生不熟 (Tamako in Moratorium) (2013)
[中] 南方車站的聚會 (Wild Goose Lake) (2018)[台版字幕]
[英] 潛龍突擊隊 (Renegades) (2017)[台版字幕]
[英] 康斯坦汀 - 驅魔神探 (Constantine) (2005)[台版]
[日] 蒸氣男孩 (Steam Boy) (2004)[台版]
[英] 空中天使 (Angel of the Skies) (2013)
[日] 孤狼之血 LEVEL 2 (Last of the Wolves) (2021)
[英] 潛艦獵殺令 (Hunter Killer) (2018)[台版字幕]
[英] 曼哈頓夜曲 (Manhattan Nocturne) (2016)[台版字幕]
[英] 正義難伸 (The Thin Blue Line) (1988)
[挪] 不可能的逃亡(The 12th Man)(2017) [台版字幕]
顯示 2945 - 2976 / 10602 (共 332 頁)