[英] 飆速攔截 2/罪證子彈2 Balle perdue 2 (2022)
發音 英語
字幕 中文繁體/中文簡體/英文/西班牙文/法文/日文/韓文/泰文
碟片規格 BD25 X 1
罪證子彈2的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
After the death of Charras, Lino and Julia took over and form the new narcotic unit. Determined to find the murderers of his brother and his mentor, Lino continues his hunt and won't let anyone get in his way.
[英] 飆速攔截 2/罪證子彈2 Balle perdue 2 + 保留全部花絮 (2022)
- 商品型號: BD0617
- 庫存狀態: 有現貨